Marc-Oliver Pahl, Ph.D., IMT Atlantique and TU München, Germany (Expert IoT Security and IoT Middleware)
Research director at the Institute Mines Télécom (IMT) Atlantique, Rennes campus, France. He is the chair holder and research director of the industrial chair “Cyber CNI” ( that focuses on Cybersecurity for industrial applications with currently 12 PhD students and PostDocs. He is the co-director of the UMR LAB-STICC/IRIS (14 professor positions; 1 research position; 1 technician; 11 post-docs; 22 PhDs; 3 external associated researchers). Marc-Oliver also heads the IoT smart space team ( at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany, with currently 4 PhD students and more than 150 Master and Bachelor students in the past 11 years. He is digital teaching director of the German-French Academy for the industry of the future (GFA). Marc-Oliver is the scientific vice president of the German chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). He is also the faculty sponsor of the ACM student chapter Munich. He continuously co-organizes major conferences especially in the network management domain. He is the co-founder and director of the annual Future-IoT summer school series (
Marc-Oliver does Internet of Things (IoT) research since 2008 with a focus on data and service management in edge or local installations. His focus is on security, usability, reliability and resilience. Typical research methodologies include autonomous management, modularization, security-by-design, and data and service modeling. His commonly applied tools include system design and evaluation, machine learning, and distributed ledgers.
In the past, Marc-Oliver coordinated research projects on all levels from more than 20 international partner EU projects to local bilateral industry collaborations. He held most positions in major scientific conferences. His primary research community is the networks and service management community. He is a continuous member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of several major conferences, and reviews for several major journals. He is associate editor of the International Journal of Network Management (IJNM, Wiley).
Marc-Oliver is continuously teaching at university level since 2003. He holds multiple teaching prices. He supervised more than 150 individual students and several thousands in classroom courses. His biggest teaching project is the iLab series that teaches how distributed networked systems work starting from the Internet going towards novel concepts such as Information Centric Networks and specialization domains such as the Internet of Things. More teaching projects such as the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “iLabX – The Internet Masterclass” (, or the summer school series on “Future Internet of Things” can be found on
Nicolas Montavont, Ph.D., IMT Atlantique, France (Expert Wireless Communications, IoT)
Nicolas Montavont is a full professor at IMT Atlantique, in the SRCD department, and responsible of the IRISA OCIF team since 2015. He received the M.Sc. degree, and PhD degree in Computer science from the University of Strasbourg, France, in 2001 and 2004 respectively. He also did a post-doc at National institute of Standard and Technologies (NIST) in Gaithersburg, USA. Hi received his HDR in 2015 from Université Rennes 1. His research topics during these first years of research were mobility and multihoming management in IPv6 networks. He chaired the Mobile Node with Multiple Interfaces (Monami6) working group at the IETF from 2005 a 2007 and contributed to several standards, with a strong experience in horizontal and vertical handovers. Dr. Nicolas Montavont participated to several national (Cyberté, Remora) projects, as well as European projects (Anemone, Sail). From 2007, Dr. Nicolas Montavont chaired an internal working group at Telecom Bretagne to work on energy efficiency in communication networks. His research topics evolve toward sensors network, smart grids and green communication infrastructure and protocols. His is currently involved in three main projects: interface and network selection algorithm, relaying in ad hoc networking for green and efficient communication and monitoring and control system for building energy consumption.
Speakers (alphabetical given name)
Emmanuel Bricard, elm.leblanc, France (Chief Information Officer)
As Chief Information Officer at elm.leblanc, Emmanuel is an expert both in IT engineering (EPSI) and in project (or business) management (ESSEC Manheim Executive MBA) specialized in IT strategy, mobile devices, Industry 4.0 and lean management.
Emmanuel has been working for elm.leblanc for more than 10 years, driving the digital transformation into the company. Driving and inspiring the IT Research & Development strategy at elm.leblanc, through IoT, augmented reality, process digitalization and automatization, or AGV projects for example. He is also in charge of the major R&I partnership in IT aspects with Institut Mines-Télécom, which includes dozen of research projects.
Fabrice Theoleyre, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
Fabrice Theoleyre is a CNRS researcher in Strasbourg and works on the Internet of Things for now more +than 10 years, with a strong focus on the industrial IoT. He currently tries to provide the +algorithms and protocols to make a low-power wireless network ultra-reliable while respecting strict +delay constraints. He has a strong research experience on experimental characterization and +validation, using open IoT platforms.
Francis Chatain, Airbus Defense & Space, France
Senior Expert in Ground System, Security, and IoT Device.
Francois Planchot, ArianeGroup, France (Head of Factory 4.0 Project)
Francois Planchot is Project Leader of the Factory 4.0 project at ArianeGroup which aims at introducing smart technologies into factories for an end-to-end digital continuity, with an emphasize on standardization and a continuous awareness on cybersecurity.
Covered smart technologies include industrial IoT and smart tools, RFID, Augmented Reality, Automatic Inspection, AGV and collaborative robots, ALM, Predictive Maintenance, Big Data and
Artificial Intelligence, integration with PLM, MES and ERP…
Main competences: IT Strategy and Product Roadmap definition; Business Models definition; Clients and Partners relationship management; System Architecture of Distributed Systems; Software Development using Web technologies in critical cybersecurity environments; Team and cross team management in multicultural and complex environments; Agile methodologies
Guillaume Schreiner, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
Guillaume Schreiner is a Research Engineer of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) working in the University of Strasbourg since 2005. His research fields are new Internet protocols, wireless network, and Internet of Things. He worked on diverse IPv6 related projects like IPv6-ADIRE, an ADIRE project for IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 deployment in french research network infrastructure. He also participated in other RNRT projects like REMORA, a RNRT project for IPv6 flows management in a NEMO environment. Other domains of interest are wireless networks, with development of wireless mesh router in AIRNET, a RNRT project exploring wireless mesh networks. Since 2009, he is involved in SensLAB, an ANR project for creation of a large distributed testbed of wireless sensors network which became Equipex FIT IoT-LAB in 2011. Since 2012, Guillaume is the technical head of the Inetlab (Internet Network Technologies Lab) experimental platform of the ICube Laboratory.
Niels Thomsen, Atos, Munich, Germany (Vice President and Global Head of the Insight (IoT and AI) practice)
Niels Thomsen is Group Vice President, Global Head of the Insight (IoT & AI) practice and Head of Global Business Development for Managed IoT at Atos. He is an accomplished business leader with more than 25 years of cross-industry experience in large international companies. Having fulfilled a variety of key roles including business development, sales and alliance management and consulting, Niels Thomsen has focused on leadership, innovation, growth creation, business value, alliances and all aspects of sales. One of Niels Thomsen’s core skillsets is engaging clients and building trusted relationships; he is motivated by challenge and delivering consistently high performance, and by enabling his teams to achieve their full potential for the benefit of our clients. Niels joined Atos in 2012. He is married and lives with his family in Munich.
Oliver Pfaff, Siemens, Corporate Technology (Principal for cybersecurity)
Oliver Pfaff is a Principal for cybersecurity at Siemens, Corporate Technology. His current projects bring information security to the field-level in IoT/OT. Oliver also represents Siemens in corresponding initiatives in standardization bodies including PROFIBUS&PROFINET International (PI), the OPC Foundation and the World-Wide-Web Consortium (W3C). Throughout his professional life, he was working in information security for distributed systems (IT/IoT/OT), especially Web-based applications. Oliver studied mathematics and computer science.
Olivier Presne, ArianeGroup, France (Chief Engineer in the Innovation Directorate)
Just graduated from ESSEC business school, Olivier Presne has over 25 years experience in the field of launcher activities in European contexts.
His career began in Software engineering and at an early stage he joined CNES in 1995 in an industrial technical steering role that included working on Ariane 5. In 2000 he joined EADS Astrium where he has had several roles within the Launcher business division & in the Operations Directorate of increasing responsibility. In 2008, he took over the management of technical sectors teams.
At the end of 2015 he joined the new ArianeGroup Innovation Directorate with the responsibility to identify & implement disruptive projects and new business opportunities. Today as Chief engineer in computer sciences in the Innovation Directorate, he is in charge of identifying and increasing maturity of the promising digital cutting-edge innovations for products and manufacturing to reach ArianeGroup 2030 vision. In this role, he acts as “Innovation Advisor” into the Factory 4.0 project.
Paul-Emmanuel Brun, AIRBUS CyberSecurity, France (Innovation & R&T programs Leader)
Passionate about innovation, cyber security, IoT and identity management, Paul-Emmanuel Brun, is expert in IoT system security within AIRBUS. During the last 10 years, he acquires a strong technical background in cyber security and IoT by contributing to national and European programs in various positions within AIRBUS CyberSecurity, from integrator, to team leader of IoT & Identity and Access Management engineering team. Along his career, Paul-Emmanuel also applied several patents and participated to several conferences. He is now leading the innovation and R&T team in France.
Christian Lübben, M.Sc., TU München, Germany (Expert IoT)
Christian Lübben is a research associate and PhD student at the chair of Network Architectures and Services at Technical University of Munich. Within the Internet of Things (IoT) Smart Space Orchestration (S2O) team his research focus lies on optimizing IoT smart spaces using Artificial Intelligence (AI) based advanced data analytics. The S2O team works on new ways of taming the complexity of the IoT. The goal is making a joint orchestration as simple as writing a smartphone App. Challenges include security, usability, resilience, scalability, and performance.
Erkin Kirdan, M.Sc., TU München, Germany
Research Associate at the IOT Smart Space Team at TU München.
Georgios Papadopoulos, IMT Atlantique (Associate Professor)
Prior to joining IMT Atlantique, Georgios was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Bristol, and a Postdoctoral Researcher Engineer at the University of Strasbourg. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2015 from the University of Strasbourg. His research interests span primarily in the area of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Deterministic Wireless Networks, Moving Target Defense (MTD), Wireless Battery Management System (BMS).
Hélène Le Bouder, PhD, IMT Atlantique
2017 – Senior Lecturer ITM-Atlantic, IRISA OCIF Team
2015 – 2017 Post-doctorate in Computer Science
Host laboratory: INRIA Rennes High-Security Laboratory (LHS), TAMIS team, ANR Cogito project.
2014: PhD in Microelectronics applied to cryptology.
Julien Montavont, Ph.D, Strasbourg University, France
Julien Montavont is an Assistant Professor at the University of Strasbourg since 2007 and a member of the Network research group at ICube laboratory (UMR CNRS 7357). His research interest focuses on designing communication protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN). He also has a strong background on mobility management over IP networks. He is the co-author of more than 30 international journal and conference articles.
Lars Wuestrich, M.Sc., TU München, Germany
Research Associate at the IOT Smart Space Team at TU München.
Laurent Toutain, Ph.D., IMT Atlantique, France (Expert Wireless Communications, IoT)
Laurent Toutain is an associate professor at IMT Atlantique in the SRCD department and member of the OCIF Team (Communicating objects – Future Internet), which focuses on the evolution of Internet protocols and architectures linked to the design of new services (Smart Grid, smart clothes, etc.). After working on IPv6 and transition mechanisms in various environments, he currently focuses on their integration in the Internet of Things, mainly over LPWAN networks. He is the author of several RFCs and reference books on networks.
Olivia Pahl, M.A., Web Chair
Olivia Pahl is a science and corporate communications expert with several years of experience. She works as a freelance designer and media consultant based in Rennes, France ( Before moving to France she was heading the communications department at the institute for societal development (FGW) in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Sabine Chevé, IMT Atlantique, Incubator
Supervision of innovation and entrepreneurship programs.
Sandrine Frouin, IMT Atlantique
Assistante du Département SRCD