[K] = keynote, [P] = presentation, [H] = hands-on
Watch the entire event (full playlist) here on YouTube:
29.11.2021 Monday
- 08h45 Check-in / Covid Certificate Check
- 09h00 Welcome and Opening (Marc-Oliver Pahl/ Nicolas Montavont/ Sebastian Steinhorst)
- 09h30 [K] “IoT meets Cyber and Security” (Marc-Oliver Pahl)
- 10h30 [P] PhD poster presentations (each participant has 3 min to present her/his work)
- 11h30 lunch
- 13h00 [H] Presentation of the challenges (challenge heads)
- 14h00 [K] Josephine Hubert (Celonis) – “Transforming Data into Value”
- 15h00 [H] Hands-On “Finding bottlenecks and improvement potential in delivery processes” with Celonis (Josephine Hubert)
- 18h00 [S] Invitation to a joint dinner in Rennes
30.11.2021 Tuesday
- 08h30 Check-in / Covid Certificate Check
- 8h45 Opening and recap previous day (Marc-Oliver Pahl)
- 9h00 [K] Tiago Gasiba, Santiago Suppan (Siemens) – “Cybersecurity as key challenge of the industrial Internet of Things”
- 10h00 [H] Cyber Security Challenges with Siemens (Tiago Gasiba, Santiago Suppan; hands-on; full day)
- 11h30 lunch
- 13h00 [K] Prabhakara Kasinathan (Siemens)- “Using Blockchain technology for Cybersecurity”
- 14h00 [H] Cyber Security Challenges with Siemens (Tiago Gasiba,
- Santiago Suppan; hands-on; full day)
- 18h00 [S] Social Event in Rennes
1.12.2021 Wednesday
- 08h30 Check-in / Covid Certificate Check
- 8h45 Opening and recap previous day (Marc-Oliver Pahl)
- 9h00 [K] Guillaume Neau (AWS), “AWS : An introduction to cloud security”
- 10h00 [H] Working on your challenge 1
- 11h30 lunch
- 13h00 [K] Pierre Bégout (IMT) – “Digital Twin and Mixed Reality for the Industry of the Future”
- 14h00 [H] Working on your challenge
- 18h00 [S] Evening at your disposal
2.12.2021 Thursday
- 08h30 Check-in / Covid Certificate Check
- 8h45 Opening and recap previous day (Marc-Oliver Pahl)
- 9h00 [K] Philippe Coval “Prototyping on Oniro”
- 10h00 [H] Working on your challenge
- 11h30 lunch
- 13h00 [Fireside talk with Camp OSV] Guillaume Le Gall – Open Source Software for Electric Vehicles
- 14h00 [H] Working on your challenge
- 18h00 [H, S] Hacknight: Hacking your challenge to the win!
- 23h00 [H, S] End Hacking night
3.12.2021 Friday
- 08h30 Check-in / Covid Certificate Check
- 8h45 Opening and recap previous day (Marc-Oliver Pahl)
- 9h00 [K] Cora Lisa Perner & Paul-Emmanuel Brun – “Secure connected, multi-modal mobility and using vehicles as sensors”
- 10h00 [P] Presentation of the challenge jury with a few words by each jury member
- 11h30 lunch
- 13h00 [P] Challenge pitch: Presentation of the challenge results in front of the jury
- 14h00 [P] Winner coronation ceremony
- 14h15 [P] Closing event (recap, winner declaration) (Marc-Oliver Pahl)
- 15h00 [P, S] End / Rest of the day at your own disposal
It is a great idea to stay over the weekend to explore Rennes a bit.