6th SCHOOL.future-iot.org: IoT meets Secure Supply Chain

Sep 30-Oct 4, 2024, Campus Cyber, Paris, France

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Explore the intricate web of Secure Supply Chain within the IoT landscape where hardware and software intertwine to drive the industries of tomorrow. Join us as we delve into the complexities of supply chain dynamics, from scalability challenges to usability concerns, in an increasingly interconnected global economy.

The trailer to our 2024 FIOT6 event “IoT meets Secure Supply Chain”

At the 6th edition of the Future-IoT PhD School, we’re excited to dive deep into the multifaceted realm of supply chain management. From examining security vulnerabilities to addressing scalability hurdles and enhancing usability, we’ll explore a range of topics crucial to shaping resilient and efficient supply chains for the industry of the future.

Throughout the event, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with several industry partners who will share invaluable insights and expertise. With a diverse array of activities including Masterclasses, a hackathon element, lightning talks, and the chance to present your PhD research, you’ll be immersed in a dynamic learning environment. Plus, seize the opportunity to network with peers and professionals alike, fostering collaborations that extend beyond the confines of the classroom.

Set against the vibrant backdrop of Paris, the event will take place at the Cybercampus from September 30th to October 4th, 2024. As France’s premier hub for cybersecurity research and development, the Cybercampus provides an ideal setting for exploring cutting-edge advancements and fostering innovation.

Join us for an enriching experience where academia, industry, and innovation converge to shape the future of IoT supply chains. See you in Paris!

Program 2024

The program provides a unique mix of networking events with keynotes, hands-on sessions, a makathon and a Capture the Flag (CTF), and social events!

30.9.2024 Monday

08h45 Check-in

09h00 [K] Welcome and Opening, Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl (IMT Atlantique) / Prof. Dr. Sebastian Steinhorst (TUM))

10h00 [K] “IoT meets Secure Supply Chain”, Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl (IMT Atlantique)

11h00 [P] PhD Madness (2 min per student/poster)

12h00 Lunch

14h00 [P] Poster Time (watching, networking)

15h00 [K] CyberSecDome EU project presentation of specific aspect

16h00 Presentation of the Makeathon Challenges

17h00 Visit of the Lab Cyber INRIA Makerspace, Aline Becq / Rodrigue Germany (PTCC)

18h00 [S] City Tour

19h00 Dinner

1.10.2024 Tuesday

09h00 [K] Risc-V Security, Filip Maksimovic (Inria)

10h00 [M] Makeathon

12h00 Lunch

14h00 [K] Formal Guarantees for Secure IoT Systems, Karthik Bhargavan (Cryspen)

15h00 [C] Introduction to the Capture The Flag (CTF) on Security for supply chain, Mohammad Hamad / Andreas Finkenzeller (TUM)

16h00 [C] CTF on Security for Supply Chain

19h00 [M] Hacknight with Pizza (until 23h)

2.10.2024 Wednesday

09h00 [K] Secure and Private IoT Supply Chains: The Role of Federated Learning, Mina Marmpena (ITML)

10h00 [H] Hands-on Software Development, edge and AI

12h00 Lunch

14h00 [K] Evolving the Internet for more secure and reliable suppply chains – SHCH, Laurent Toutain (IMT Atlantique)

15h00 [M] Makeathon

19h00 [M] Makeathon Hacknight with Asian Food (until 23h)

3.10.2024 Thursday

09h00 [K] The computer security journey of critical industrial assets, Servann Pigault (Framatome)

10h00 [M] Makeathon

12h00 Lunch

14h00 [K] Workshop Security of Connected Vehicles, Gael Musquet (Hacking Specialist)

15h00 [M] Makeathon

16h00 [K] Presentation of the Programme de Transfert au Campus Cyber (PTCC)

18h00 [S] Centre Pompidou (tbc)

21h00 Dinner

4.10.2024 Friday

09h00 [K] AFNic Meeting:
L’internet interplanétaire, Marc Blanchet (Viagenie)
L’internet/web intermittent, Catherine Letondal (ENAC)

10h00 [K] AFNic Meeting:
La géopolitique de l’Internet, Louis Pétiniaud (Laboratory GEODE)
L’internet spatial, Hugues Favin Leveque (Constellation Global)

11h00 [K] AFNic Meeting:
Sustainable Internet, Romain Jacob (ETH Zurich)
Underwater communications, Benoit Parrein (Nantes U)

12h00 Lunch @ AFNic

14h00 [M] Makeathon (finishing pitches)

16h00 Pitch your Makeathon Solutions

17h00 Winner Coronation for the best Makeathon Team

17h30 Closing Ceremony

It is a great idea to stay over the weekend to explore Paris a bit.

Color Coding:

[K] Keynote

[P] PhD Networking

[C] Capture the Flag

[M] Makeathon challenges

[S] Social Event


Challenges in the 6th edition (2024)

You will find the challenges here asap.

On-site Information 2024 (Paris)

The Summer School Future IoT “IoT meets Secure Supply Chain” will take place at the prestigious Campus Cyber in Paris.

Address: 5-7 rue Bellini, 92800 La Défense (Paris)

Speakers & Organizers 2024


Marc-Oliver Pahl
Marc-Oliver Pahl

Marc-Oliver Pahl, Ph.D., IMT Atlantique, France (Expert Cybersecurity)

Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl heads the industrial Chair Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures (cyberCNI.fr) at IMT Atlantique Rennes, France. The chair hosts 18 professors, 9 PhDs, 4 PostDocs, and multiple engineers and interns. Marc-Oliver is an adjunct professor of Carleton University in Canada. Marc-Oliver is Vice President of the German Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (germany.acm.org). He heads the Future Education activities of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (future-industry.org). Marc-Oliver’s research focuses on a holistic approach to cybersecurity with an emphasis on collaborative approaches including VR-based cybersecurity interfaces and federated learning. He is an experienced teacher and an eLearning pioneer, holding several teaching awards. He continuously hosts events for larger audience such as the TALK.CYBERcni.fr speaker series and the future-iot.org PhD school series.

Sebastian Steinhorst
(Foto: Andreas Heddergott)

Sebastian Steinhorst, PhD, Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany

Sebastian Steinhorst is professor for Embedded Systems and Internet of Things at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of TUM. The research of Prof. Steinhorst centers around design methodology and the hardware/software co-design of distributed embedded systems for use in Internet of Things, automotive and smart energy applications.

Rodrigue Germany

Rodrigue Germany, Deputy Head of the Cybersecurity Program and in charge of coordinating the PTCC (Programme de transfert au Campus Cyber) at Inria, France

Olivia Pahl

Olivia Pahl, Head of Education Projects at the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA) at IMT, France

Olivia Pahl is Head of the Education Projects at the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA) at IMT. Before moving to France she was heading the communications department at the Institute for Societal Development (FGW) in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Speakers and Challenge Providers (alphabetical given name)

Karthik Bhargavan

Karthik Bhargavan, Chief Research Scientist at Cryspen

Karthik is co-founder and chief research scientist at Cryspen, a company that develops verification tools and high-assurance security-critical software and helps companies to deploy them. He has contributed to the design and formal security analysis of cryptographic standards like TLS 1.3, HPKE, and MLS, and to the deployment of formally verified high-performance cryptographic code in projects like Firefox, Linux, Python, WireGuard, mbedTLS, etc. He is currently on leave from Inria Paris, where he led a team called Prosecco that specialized in formal verification for real-world cryptographic systems.

Andreas Finkenzeller

Andreas Finkenzeller, Technical University of Munich

Andreas Finkenzeller is a PhD at the Embedded Systems and IoT group at TUM since 2021. He already did several industrial internships in companies including Bertrandt, Rohde&Schwarz, and Airbus.

Mohammad Hamad

Mohammad Hamad, Technical University of Munich

Mohammad Hamad is a Research Group Leader for Security for IoT and Automotive Systems at the Associate Professorship of Embedded Systems and Internet of Things at the Technical University of Munich.

Filip Maksimovic

Filip Maksimovic, Inria

Filip Maksimovic received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering and in aerospace engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. He is currently pursuing the graduation degree at the Berkeley Wireless Research Center, University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley), Berkeley, CA, USA, and the Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center, UC Berkeley. His current research interests include low-power RF and mm-wave wireless transceivers.

Mina Marmpena

Mina Marmpena, Head of AI/ML at ITML (Greece)

Mina Marmpena is a technical project manager at ITML in Greece, where she also leads the AI/ML Team. She oversees several EU projects focused on developing AI-based systems across various domains, including cybersecurity, automotive, energy sustainability, and mobility as a service. Her responsibilities include AI solutions design, MLOps, data management pipelines, streaming applications, and microservices architecture. Mina holds a PhD in robotics, specializing in generative models for social robotics, affective computing, and human-robot interaction, as well as a Master’s degree in neuroinformatics. Her main interests include sequential and generative models, federated learning, edge computing, and distributed architectures.

Gael Musquet

Gael Musquet, Hacking Specialist

Marc-Oliver Pahl
Marc-Oliver Pahl

Marc-Oliver Pahl, Ph.D., IMT Atlantique, France (Expert Cybersecurity)

Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl heads the industrial Chair Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures (cyberCNI.fr) at IMT Atlantique Rennes, France. The chair hosts 18 professors, 9 PhDs, 4 PostDocs, and multiple engineers and interns. Marc-Oliver is an adjunct professor of Carleton University in Canada. Marc-Oliver is Vice President of the German Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (germany.acm.org). He heads the Future Education activities of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (future-industry.org). Marc-Oliver’s research focuses on a holistic approach to cybersecurity with an emphasis on collaborative approaches including VR-based cybersecurity interfaces and federated learning. He is an experienced teacher and an eLearning pioneer, holding several teaching awards. He continuously hosts events for larger audience such as the TALK.CYBERcni.fr speaker series and the future-iot.org PhD school series.

Servann Pigault, Framatome

Servann Pigault is a Cybersecurity Control Engineer at Framatome.

Sevi Politi

Sevi Politi, Machine Learning Engineer at ITML (Greece)

Sevi Politi is a machine learning engineer at ITML in Greece, where she works on multiple EU projects aimed at developing AI-based systems across various domains, such as cybersecurity, automotive, energy sustainability, and mobility as a service. Her responsibilities encompass MLOps, data management pipelines, streaming data pipelines, and model development and optimization. Sevi holds a Master’s degree in Informatics, focusing on business computing and big data analytics, in addition to an Integrated Master’s degree in Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Her primary interests lie in data management, machine learning, federated learning, edge computing, and code optimization for performance and scalability.

Laurent Toutain

Laurent Toutain, IMT Atlantique and Co-Founder of Acklio, France

Laurent Toutain is a Professor with the IMT Atlantique Graduate Engineering School and a Co-founder and a Scientific Advisor of Acklio. He worked for several years on IPv6 and participated in the creation of the G6 group, which has been gathering researchers and industrialists around IPv6 since 1995. His current research focuses on protocols and architectures specific to IoT’s needs. From 2011 to 2015, he managed the Smart Grid competence center shared by Télécom Bretagne, Texas Instruments, and ITRON. He is the author of several books on networks.


Marla Da Silva

Marla Da Silva, Comunication & Event Manager at Software Heritage and launch of the PTCC (Programme de Transfert au Campus Cyber), France

Samira Franzel

Samira Franzel, Science Communication Specialist at Einstein Center Digital Future, Germany

Samira Franzel has been responsible for science communication at the Einstein Center Digital Future since 2021. She studied American Studies and Political Science at the University of Mannheim, the Free University of Berlin, and the University of Copenhagen. In recent years, she has worked at the Graduate School for North American Studies at the Free University of Berlin, the Goethe Institute, and the Sarah Wiener Foundation, among others.


Aline Becq

Aline Becq, LabCyber Coordinator at PTCC (Programme de Transfert au Campus Cyber), France

Sandrine Frouin

Sandrine Frouin, Assistante du Département SRCD at IMT Atlantique, France

Erkin Kirdan

Erkin Kirdan, M.Sc., TU München, Germany

Research Associate at the IOT Smart Space Team at TU München.

Christian Lübben

Christian Lübben, M.Sc., TU München, Germany (Expert IoT)

Christian Lübben is a research associate and PhD student at the chair of Network Architectures and Services at Technical University of Munich. Within the Internet of Things (IoT) Smart Space Orchestration (S2O) team his research focus lies on optimizing IoT smart spaces using Artificial Intelligence (AI) based advanced data analytics. The S2O team works on new ways of taming the complexity of the IoT. The goal is making a joint orchestration as simple as writing a smartphone App. Challenges include security, usability, resilience, scalability, and performance.

Avatar Icon by Dmitriy Bondarchuk